
What in the World?

Image of a plane taking off straight up into air with large amounts of trailing behind it


DIRECTIONS: Use the following steps to figure out what’s going on in the photo.

Number 1

OBSERVEClosely examine the image. What do you notice?

Number 2

THINK: What do you already know that could help explain what you see?

Number 3

EXPLAIN: What do you think is going on in the photo? Why?

Number 4

DISCUSS: Compare and contrast your explanation with those of your classmates.

Number 5

REVISE: Conduct research to further refine your ideas. Then revise your explanation.

Image of a plane taking off with large amounts of trailing behind it. "What's Really Going On Here?"
Check out the explanation for the back page of the latest issue.
Skills Sheets (1)
Slideshows (1)
Image of a plane taking off with large amounts of trailing behind it. "What's Really Going On Here?"
What's Really Going On Here?

Check out the explanation for the back page of the latest issue.
