Explaining Our Skills Sheets
Explaining Our Skills Sheets
Your Science World subscription comes with hundreds of teaching resources, including skill-building activity sheets. These skills sheets build and assess reading comprehension, develop writing fluency, and reinforce science and engineering practices, such as analyzing data, using models, and arguing from evidence. You can see a full list of skills sheets offered with each issue in the Digital Resource Guide, which you can access from the menu to the right of the issue cover. (The Answer Key is located to the right of the issue cover as well.)

Here’s where you can download all skills sheets for the entire issue:

You can also search for skills sheets in our archive by going to the “Search” bar in the upper right.

What You'll Find:
What You'll Find:
Core Science Ideas
Core Science Ideas
Each feature article in Science World has accompanying skills sheets that build core knowledge in the various scientific domains (biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and engineering). Our interactive digital games also quiz students on core science knowledge from the issue.
Analyzing Visuals and Data: Diagrams, Charts, Graphs, and Maps
Analyzing Visuals and Data: Diagrams, Charts, Graphs, and Maps
Every issue of Science World includes skills sheets that support students’ critical thinking as they analyze real-world data from diagrams, charts, graphs, and maps.
Hands-on Activities
Hands-on Activities
Every issue of Science World includes hands-on investigations or modeling activities. Students can plan and carry out experiments, collect data, develop models, and/or draw conclusions. Each activity is easy to set up and primarily uses affordable, easy-to-find items.
Engineering Challenges
Engineering Challenges
These hands-on challenges give students a chance to design innovative solutions to problems described in the magazine, and include graphic organizers that help them through the process.
Literacy & Language Arts
Literacy & Language Arts
Science World not only supports science standards but also helps meet state and national language arts standards as well. Each issue includes literacy-focused skills sheets, including paired text and inferencing activities, evidence-based writing prompts, a vocabulary-focused crossword puzzle, and much more!
Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Every issue of Science World includes a Check for Understanding skills sheet, which asks questions about the entire magazine and promotes critical thinking. Also included is a Google News Quiz—an interactive multiple-choice quiz covering the science news section of the magazine.
For skills sheets that support differentiated instruction, visit the Templates and Graphic Organizers section. These activities can be used with any article and help students develop practices emphasized in the Next Generation Science Standards and skills emphasized in the Common Core State Standards. To access these skills sheets, click “Graphic Organizers” from the far right of the top menu bar available from any Science World page.